The African Child Agenda

The King & Elders came to present to the parents about the great acheivements of their children and hand out awards


The African Child Agenda has been set up to address the needs of children and families of African decent in  the diaspora and those on the African continent. Our first initiative began in Ghana 2021, were we have established a Saturday school for the children whilst we fundraise for the ful-time school to be built. 

We currently educate 87 children and have provided them all with a custom made uniform, schoes, bags, pens pencils, workbooks and bags as well as a freshly prepared lunch before they leaver for the day. 

Children arrive at 08.00am and leave at 14.00 subjects include 

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Debating
  • Robotics
  • Financial literacy

The children are broken up into classes where each child is in a work group no larger than 4-1. This allows us to easily offer each child the support they need, and quickly identify any additional learning or behavioral needs. 

All teaching staff currently work in the private school sector in Ghana, and work with us at the weekends, once the main school is built, they will be employed full time. We have engaged with experienced teachers and retired head teachers from the diaspora who are also entheuastic about the new school, and have already offered a forward thinking bespoke curicculum.

 The African Child Agenda will be supported by

 The Black Child Agenda UK who have a long standing history of delivering solutions to children and their families througout the UK. The #unapologetic approach delivered has alloowed the organisation international recgonition for their work, along with a multitude of awards. Giving children and their families peace of mind when attending any establishment is paramount, we know that once children have access to the right opportunities they will thrive in the global marketplace.

Being able to offer children and young people a well rounded education, without the issues they face in the UK is important, we are focused and committed to gifting children with practical skills and knowledge via our Pan-African curricculum which will empower children in the areas of -

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Drama
  • Video Production
  • Mindful Meditation
  • English 
  • Politics
  • Languages - Twi, English, French & Mandarin
  • Social & Emotional Well-Being
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Languages
  • Financial Management
  • Trading 

But to name a few

VOLUNTEER WITH US in the future

Many countries around the world have adopted the practice of summer camps. This is a specially created community where children are given the chance to be around new people and learn new things in an environment that they are not exposed to on a daily basis. It is a wonderful way to keep children occupied in a way that helps them continue learning during the summer holidays. 

We will expose children to the gret African traditions, and culture, bring them to some of the amazing places in Africa, teach them about local customs and practices. 

Working at our summer residential camp is rewarding on so many levels:

  • Working with children
  • Working in a close knit team
  • Be part of the community
  • Build children's confidence

Traditional overnight camps create a “third space” for children to learn valuable life skills in different ways than they do at home or school. Going to camp offers children needed time away from family and regular friend groups. 


Education is the social institution through which society provides its members with important knowledge, including basic facts, job skills, cultural norms and values. One of the most important benefits of education is that it improves personal lives and helps any society to run smoothly.

With the global pandemic we know that many children have become a custom to learning online. However we are able to offer children on the continent and from the diaspora the opportunity to learn valuble skills as well as the standardised Maths English & Sciences.

with this we will be also following some of the practises in Japan, where children learn the traditional Japanese values of harmony and group belonging from their schooling (Schneider & Silverman, 2010). They learn to value their membership in their homeroom, or kumi, and are evaluated more on their kumi’s performance than on their own individual performance. How well a Japanese child’s kumi does is more important than how well the child does as an individual.

The envirnment will be one of #opportunity, rather than base on race or social status as in the UK.





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